17th Silvian 1632
The group makes their way to Carthel. The group meets a powerful Devil Lord and stays in a number of hotels along the road. Calamity visits a familiar face, Rangrim makes a colorful discovery about himself, and Varikass makes a new friend.
First Appearance Of:
Antinua, Elven Banker
Chen Buckman, Farmer
Lord Miri Ilphelkiir, Rakshasha Noble
Tomes, Rose’s Tavern Minstrel
The Order of the Flaming Oxen
Billy, the Bandit Leader
Manas, Gnome Innkeep at the Beggar’s Hall
Gili, the Dwarven Innhand at the Beggar’s Hall
Muren, Dwarven Cook
Osgrin Wilwrick
Bogan Molotok, Master Dwarven Blacksmith
Enna Galanodel, Elven Hair Magician
XP Awarded: 1000 XP + 50 Bonus XP