Covering Days 350–352 of the 699th Year of Exile
This story begins near the start of our 700th year underground. That’s when four citizens of the Undernation, blissfully unaware of their role in the days to come and of wildly different backgrounds, came together for the first time…
First appearance of:
- Emanni ar Srinan, Zaeimond of the Gate, a Human Ranger
- Shivani Chamaktaara, an Elf Wizard/Fighter
- Yinfir Bez Korney, a Firbolg Cleric of Gwenalee
- Kauvuna Vokouri of the Voanat Tribe, a Goliath Barbarian
- Vitality, Sleazebag Tiefling
- Bansari Chamaktaara, Elven Mother of Shivani
- Warder, Dwarven Councilperson from Zemërguri Farkëtar (The Honeycomb)
- Annan, Elven Councilperson from Crystallum
- Riffin, Tabaxi Councilperson from Par Tivian
- Ziri, Minotaur Councilperson from Par Varvalon
- Fertility, Tiefling Councilperson from Par Felandon
- Aghaz, Firbolk Owner of the Pilgrim and Mug
- Pip, Human Owner of the Troll and Toadstool

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