Covering Days 57–58 of the 700th Year of Exile
They had met Gavin Caskbow, a smug—yet helpful—minister. It’s true, though, he did agree to get our people out of the ground. But of course, my daughter, nothing is ever quite so simple in politics
First appearance of:
- Lenina, a Human Pick-Pocket
- Gil, Gnome Student of Conjuration
- Valentia the Purple, Halfling Headmistress of Conjuration
- Yeben, Gnome Cleric of Gwenalee
- Ruby Mace, Halfling Chef of Gwenalee
- The Crew of The Dragon’s Fury
- Edyth Swailes, Half-Elf First-Mate
- Alfred Auran, Half-Orc Bosun
- Bridger Netley, Human Cook
- Georgie, Triton Crewmember
- Vivian Melton, Half-Goliath Crewmember
- Rowley “The Bear”, Firbolg Crewmember
- Stormy “The Reuben” Davenport, Dwarven Crewmember
- Myrtle “The Snake”, Yuan-Ti Crewmember
- Carswell Crompton, Fresh-Faced Halfling Crewmember
- Rejected Crewmembers
- Olivia Newberry, Frustrated Human Chef
- Dorset, Dwarven Laborer
- Roland Sisk, Human Chef
- Dyson “White Beard”, Dwarven Laborer
- Kynaston, Tiefling Thirst-Trap
- Hadwin “Four Fingers” Clemons, Aptly Named Laborer
- Whitney Joshua, Bubbly Human Laborer

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