Author: The DM
Season 1, Ep 41: “Dust to Dust”
25th Bright, 1632
The group finally squares off against a major foe, with deadly results.
First Appearance of:
Zoraster, Eye Tyrant

Season 1, Ep 40: “Coronation Day”
24th Bright, 1632
The King is crowned and the Council is dissolved. Calamity makes a startling discovery.
First Appearance of:
Creed, Tiefling Recluse

Season 1, Ep 39: “The Crown”
21st Bright, 1632
Neristhanna comes face-to-face with her past. Verikass throws a massive party. The group meets another adventuring group. Calamity introduces an old friend.
First Appearance of:
Zirmax, Mind-Flayer
Tillius Duskvale

Season 1, Ep 38: “Mummies, Fuck!”
19th Bright 1632
The groups explores Kehl Keep. Rangrim has his wounds tended. Neristhanna teleports to an unexpected location.

Season 1, Ep 37: “Decorations and Discoveries”
11th Bright, 1632
The group takes a week to dig into their research, with startling results.
First appearance of:
Orianna “Aria”, Tiefling Bartender
Rimardo, the Bard-o

Season 1, Ep 36: “214”
11 Bright, 1632
The group chooses to fight.
First Appearance of:
Helm, the Goblin
Brad Gundarion

Season 1, Ep 35: “Reconciliation”
10 Bright, 1632
Varikass’s confrontation with Darby turns unexpectedly explosive. The group clears the air. Calamity gets a new nickname. Rangrim takes a flight. Neristhanna discovers that she has an eye for decoration.
First Appearance of:
Marivaldi, Scribe
Arannis , Moradian Mage
Aaron, Lusty Narwhal Bartender

Season 1, Ep 34: “Homecoming”
4th Bright, 1632
The group takes some time apart. Neristhanna does some soul searching while Rangrim searches some books. Varikass has a very bad week and Calamity makes some pancakes.
First Appearance of:
Camille the Camel
Ashhearth, the Gnomish tinkerer
Father Darby

Season 1, Ep 33: “A Day in the City”
2nd Bright, 1632
The group weighs their options in the city of Carthel. Varikass visits an Orphanage.
First Appearance of:
Reverend Mother Rosediane, Leader of the Silent Siblings