Season 1, Ep 32: “Hard Bargain”
23rd Fools, 1632
The group enters the Shadowfell to recover the soul of Rangrim’s father and discover that the plane is more alien and disconcerting than they expect. The group’s bond is tested and friendships are strained as the prospects for Bart’s soul grow more dire.
First Appearance of:
The Night King
M, the Horned Devil
The Leader of Shadow Green Hill

Season 1, Ep 31: “An Eye for an Eye”
19th Fools, 1632
The group tracks down the coven of Hags so that Rangrim can exact some Eye-for-an-Eye justice. Varikass, Calamity, and Neristhanna discover some consequences for their previous actions. Calamity proves that she is metal as fuck. Rangrim swings a hammer. Lady Darzi drops in for a visit.
First Appearance of:
Bart Swiftfoot’s Body

Season 1, Ep 30: “More Than Meets the Eye”
15th Fools, 1632
Rangrim discovers that happiness is a lie. The group reunites, and Varikass discovers there are consequences to some of his recent actions. The DM forgot how to do Captain Timbers accent. Calamity’s curiosity gets the better of her. Neristhanna welcomes a new addition to the ever-growing roster of animal companions. Rangrim has an unexpected family reunion.
First Appearance of:
Gwyillion, the Hag
The White-Haired Hag
Navarra, Human Paladin of Sylvian
Haseid, Human Paladin of Virtus
Yuldra, Dwarven Cleric of Ürwen
Bart Leagallow, Lumberjack

Season 1, Ep 29: “A Debt Repaid”
9th Fools 1632
Varikass settles a debt, Neristhanna has an unsettling revelation, Calamity shares a secret, Kyle thinks he’s people.
First Appearance Of:
Black Bertie, The Naturalist
Erky “Pops” Leagallow, Lidda’s Father
Mayor Perrin Underbough, Halfling
Amblecrown, Chef
Salazar “Enlightenment”, Tiefling Initiate of Colth

Season 1, Ep 28: “Midsummer’s Night”
8th Fools, 1632
Witter’s scheme doesn’t go according to plan. Neristhanna gets a surprise visit. Calamity loses a contest, and an evening. Rangrim vanishes and Varikass leads a search party.
First Appearance Of:
Bitey’s True Form
Tim, Ale Drinking Champion
Second Appearance Of:
That Guy Who Dropped His Ale and Vowed to Live a Better Life

Season 1, Ep 27: “Surprise!”
7th Fools, 1632
The group plans a birthday party. Rangrim has a date.
First Appearance of:
Imzel, Colorful Baker

Season 1, Ep 26: “Break the Chain”
5th Fools, 1632
The group delves deeper into the dungeon, discovering secrets long since buried.
First Appearance Of:
Sadim, Cursed Dwarven Devil
Nissa Ningel, Gnome Shopclerk and Comedian
Ander Windriver, Human Potion Maker and Shop Keep
Atala Calabra, Halfling Blacksmith
Lidda Leagallow, Halfling Troupe Leader from Green Hill
Captain Timbers, Halfling Captain of the East Hill Guard
XP Awarded: 1900 XP + 50 Bonus XP (33,700)

Season 1, Ep 25: “Third Time’s the Charm”
3rd Fools, 1632
The group battles a pair of Hill Giants; things go well until they don’t. After a number of attempts, the party finds the sealed Dwarven Stronghold. Rangrim and Varikass bicker, Calamity kicks in some doors, and Neristhanna grows increasingly confused. Rangrim experiences a transformation.
First Appearance of:
Mara, Githzerai Zerth
XP Awarded: 2700XP + 100 Bonus XP

Season 1, Ep 24: “Bad Dreams”
28th Silvian, 1632
The group hastily leaves McKinney, heading towards East Hill, as tensions run high and moods dip low among the party. Once in East Hill, Rangrim loses a piece of himself, Calamity meets a familiar face, and Varikass gets thrown out a window.
First Appearance Of:
Umara, the Elven Unicorn
Dr. Scheppen, Gnome Doctor
Euphemia Tosscobble, Colth Acolyte and Soul Expert
Grevillea, Dwarven Florist at Absolute Flower
Brother Witter, Colth Paladin
Eldion, The Bartender
XP Awarded: 500XP