Season 1, Ep 14: “Aftershocks”
11th Silvian 1632
The group head’s south to Sweeney’s Knoll, while Kalarnaleigh heads north. Rangrim finds out more about his mother, Varikass loses a companion, Calamity becomes a hero and gets a reprieve, and Neristhanna finds herself in more trouble than ever.
No new characters introduced.
XP Awarded: 1950XP + 50 Bonus XP
Total XP: 14,000XP (Level 6!)

Season 1, Ep 13: “Kalarnaleigh’s Lair (Part Two)”
9th Silvian 1632
The group continues to explore Kalarnaleigh’s Lair, finding hidden secrets and finally seeing Kalarnaleigh for who she really is. Rangrim finds an unexpected family connection, Neristhanna discovers a sinister plot against her, Varikass gets an elephant.
First Appearance Of:
Mr. Peanut
XP Awarded: 1250XP
Total XP: 11,950XP

Season 1, Ep 12: “Kalarnaleigh’s Lair (Part One)”
6th Silvian 1632
The group heads back to Sweeney Knoll only to find the petrified villagers missing. Seeking vengeance, they go north and enter Kalarnaleigh’s Lair, unaware that their greatest challenges yet lie inside.
First (and Last) Appearance of:
Carl, the Zombie
XP Awarded: 2000XP + 50 Bonus XP
XP Total: 10700XP

Season 1, Ep 11: “Got Milk?”
1st Silvian 1632
Flush with cash, the group heads south to Sweeney’s Knoll, to find out more about Rangrim’s family, they quickly find out that they are being followed. Deep in the forest; Varikass gets startled, Neristhanna plays with fire, Rangrim is greeted with stony silence, and Calamity demonstrates some unnerving new powers.
First appearance of:
Mercer the Druid
Oda, the Unicorn
XP Awarded: 2000XP + 50 Bonus XP
XP Total: 8650XP

Season 1, Ep 10: “When an Owl Loves a Bear”
26th Planting 1632
The group leaves Lumberson for Lawrencar. Along the way Rangrim finds a sword, and an Owlbear finds the group. Once in Lawrencar, the group sells some Art, find themselves with an abundance of precious metals, and mingle with the locals…
First appearance of:
Ham Ham
Katherine Hardway, Captain of the Lawrencar Guard
Thurgen Stonehammer
Latruvian, Antique Seller
Dalton, a shopkeep
High Priest Malthus of Morad
Jo Ellen, town guard
Luther, head of the Halfling Grotto
XP Awarded: 750XP + 100 Bonus XP
XP Total: 6,600 (Level 5!)

Season 1, Ep 9: “Turn Wight at Lumberson”
25th Planting 1632
The group heads south to collect their money from the Bank of Carthell, but make a pit stop in Lumberson to send Aster back to New Haven. Unfortunately for them, Lumberson is a lot less lively than it used to be.
First Appearance Of:
Walt the Wight
Barcus, Bounty Hunter and Paladin of Colth
Carbunkle, the Skeletal Horse
XP Awarded: 1,000XP + 50 Bonus XP
XP Total: 5,750XP

Season 1, Ep 8: “Small Town Folk”
23rd Planting 1632
The group develops a plan to liberate New Haven from the grip of High Inquisitor Stahn. Also: Varikass’s flock learns the joy of face painting, Calamity finds some catharsis, everyone finds out who has been pulling the strings, and the group falls into some money…
First appearance of:
Mirabelle, the Horse
Pûka, the Horse
Tanner (also his Last)
Billy, the Morad Architect
XP Awarded: 750XP + 50 Bonus XP
XP Total: 4,700XP

Season 1, Ep 7: “Swamp Trip”
19th Planting 1632
The group heads to the Swamp to investigate Baba Gorkiya. Along the way they find creative uses for fish, bump into a familiar face, learn about the complexities of Lizardfolk life, and exit time and space for a little trip on mushroom stew…
First Appearance Of:
Baba Gorkiya
The Creepy Fisherman
The Lizard Queen
Rotark, the Bare-chested
Amboss and Eisen
Brother Darby
Calamity’s Parents
XP Awarded: 500XP plus 50 Bonus XP
XP Total: 3900XP

Season 1, Ep 6: “This Troll is on Fire”
15th Planting 1632
The group takes a few days to rest, recover, and mourn following the banishment of Nerikesh. Chani delivers a warning, Hobgoblins set Bud on fire, and the group is thrown a bone and finally makes it through breakfast.
First appearance of:
Peraxia, Cleric of Scillia
High Inquisitor Heironyous Stahn
Tharg’s Brother (Tuesday)
XP Awarded: 600XP
XP Total: 3350XP